The National Service Scheme is a noble Youth Activity of our country started in 1969 on the occasion of the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi. The main objective of NSS is 'Education through Community Service'. " Not me but you" is the motto of NSS which means every person should realize that not he alone or she alone is important but the society in which he or she lives is on the whole important. NSS activities are multipurpose as well as multidimensional in their nature. And in practice, these activities take an important part to the service of mankind and in execution of the process of formation of the future generation of the country through various constructive programmes. The phenomenal success of Science and Technology in his service has made man forget the long cherished values such as love, peace, co-operation and tolerance etc. Materialism and its comfort shifted the importance of life to mere acquisition of material health. Further Globalisation has thrown the values out of greater life.

The main objectives of National Service Scheme (NSS) are :

i. understand the community in which they work
ii. understand themselves in relation to their community
iii. identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
iv. develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
v. utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
vi. develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
vii. gain skills in mobilising community participation
viii. acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
ix. develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
x. practise national integration and social harmony